Kawashaway Community Circle Notes


Kawashaway Stewards and Friends Circle 
July 13, 2002
Kawashaway Sanctuary
Attendees: Beebalm, Oni, H, Steven, and White Dragon

1. We will move ahead with the proposal for construction of a new main dock as proposed by Oni and Will with a budget of $200 and following the design specs in the proposal. Still needed are a dock coordinator and a purchasing coordinator, which position H volunteered to fill.

2. The Stewards will call a Great Circle at the Gathering on Wednesday morning to discuss governance issues. We will announce it in the Gathering Goers Gazette and solicit input on the questions to ask at the Circle.

3. The Stewards will propose a set schedule of Kawashaway Circles beginning with the Great Circle at Gathering through this time next year. 


1. The Project Proposal was discussed (see attached) and was given positive feedback but approval was tabled until a Circle more widely called could be held to decide on the matter. 

2. Governance issues were widely discussed. Issues include compliance, liability for Stewards, long-range planning capacity, level of involvement by the community in Stewardship of the land and our resources, and the role of Stewards in the culture of Kawashaway. Individual commitment and involvement, as well as attitudes towards leadership and stewardship, we also discussed.
