Kawashaway Community Circle Notes


Great Circle Notes

Memorial Day Weekend ~ 70’s during the day, 30’s at night
Saturday & Sunday 24 & 25 May 2003
Kawashaway proper

Next Circle (only one got scheduled):

Wednesday 11 June 2003
6pm arrival; 6:30pm Circle


Eureka!, White Ash, Will*, Braeburn Blue*, Plucky, Pollen*, Two Turtles*, Henry, Danny, Clydesdale, Bruce, Tanya*, Stu*, Xeno*, Bearberry*

*denotes Steward

Invoked into the Circles were many, including Two Bears who unfortunately had to leave early due to cold symptoms.

Tri-facilitated by Two Turtles, E! and Pollen

(Carlos was gardening like heck; we were also visited by Malcom & Terry, Tilly & Honor, and many 4-footed ones were there as well.)


• Mission and Vision
• Role of the Stewards

A heart circle round the firespace and a ritual of earth, water, fire & air overlighted our sharings.

The facilitators (TT/e!/Plln) took the pulse/mood of the community present on the land and decided to call for a heart centered speaking of individual visions for KaSa (or, for some, more broadly visions for fareies in this region) and we all listened for common themes. The notes reflect the themes the circle could agree were common enough to be consensed.

In a more general way, there was awareness for at least some of us that the whole 'great circle' idea was not resonating or did not feel like something we owned as a process. We’d like for there to be agenda time at the June 11 circle to talk about the G.C. idea and whether we want it, what it means for us (or doesn't mean) and such.


Three major themes from the Circles surfaced: umbrella organization, residency, and ease-of-use.

Umbrella Organization ~ We are interested in considering an organizational structure that defines Northwoods Radical Faeries as the “tribe”, or umbrella, and Kawashaway as one of potentially several “bands” or groups operating both independently and collaboratively. Exploring this might lead to new financial and legal arrangements or new definitions of stewardship, membership, and / or mission.

micro ~
• What will we call this organization ~ tribe with bands or septs; constellation with satellites; or something else?
• Discovering together and naming what the common glue or glues that hold our faerie web together could help elucidate this process. And how about naming the dissolvents?
• Outreach ~ do we want to increase numbers? Do we want to strive for more diversity?

Residency ~ We would like to initiate an open discussion regarding residency on Kawashaway land. Some outcomes we noticed would be (note ~ this is by no means a non-exhaustive list):

• ongoing maintenance
• warm hearth
• neighborhood connection
• sourcing needs more locally

cons (or things to work out)
• alienating non-residents
• “Keep Out” spaces
• new dynamic between residents and non-residents
• financial arrangements / sustainability
• legal ramifications
• liability / insurance

micro ~

• review of 2-week policy (which is a policy and not in bi-laws)
• What are the pros & cons of not having residents?
• Who decides who lives there?
• Cottage industry, like mistletoe for wholistic remedies?

Ease-of-Use ~ We would like to develop Kawashaway in a way that makes it more comfortable and easier to use for more people through all four seasons.

micro ~

• Are we also examining this for the differently abled and / or the aging?
• Reconsidering electricity / plumbing
• Impact on environment (“…leave land in as natural a state as possible….”)
• Value towards alternative energy, low impact ways

Other Visions ~
• Online FaeBiz “Chamber of Commerce” that supports the wider radical fae universe
• Traveling faerie art show that unites wider fae communities

Agenda for Next Circle

• To raise or not to raise the amount we request for Gathering attendance
• Discuss meaning of the term “Great Circle” and its role in our Northwoods community
• Carrying forward proposed discussions from the Great Circle
• Organizational/Operational Update
• Gathering Planning Update

Submitted by White Ash
